Intuitive Reading Halloween Sale

Type in Coupon Code: HALLOWEEN to get 10% off Intuitive Readings NOW until Halloween!

love, k 🙂

Happy Janmashtami

One of the most important Hindu festivals, Janmashtami (Krishna Jayanti) is the birthday of Lord Krishna, the eighth re-incarnation of Lord Vishnu who gave the vital message of the Bhagwat Gita – the guiding principles for every Hindu.

Across India there will be ceremonies and prayers at temples dedicated to Krishna. The day before may consist of fasting and prayer up to midnight, the time at which it was said that Krishna was born.

Many colourful legends tell of Krishna’s life and he is a prominent figure in Hindu writings.

As a child he is noted for his pranks such as the aforementioned butter stealing and images of him as a child often show him dancing joyously and holding a ball of butter in his hands.

As a adult, he is most commonly depicted as a dancer or a lover, often playing the flute and surrounded by adoring women. In one story, it is said that defeated the many headed serpent Kaliya by dancing it into submission.

Happy Janmashtami!

love, k<3

Sat Nam Fest West 2018

Sat Nam Fest Joshua Tree is finally here! And it is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the happiness, rejuvenation, and transformation of Kundalini Yoga, mantra music, and creativity as you re-discover your authentic self.

Every year Sat Nam Fest presents a variety of sacred music performances, teachers, workshops, Kundalini Yoga classes, and much more.

See you there!

love, k 🙂



Archer Pose — Gift of Fearlessness

When I began practicing Kundalini Yoga, I came from an Ashtanga practice flowing to a set series of asanas in sequence from one to the next. At my first Kundalini class in New York, I was quite amazed when the teacher asked me to raise my arms as if about to shoot an arrow, position myself in Archer Pose and remain still. The pose seemed simple enough but after a minute or two, holding still, keeping my gaze, my knee bent and arms lifted were surprising challenges.

How could such a simple exercise pose require so much?

It’s been a long way since that first experience with Archer Pose, which is now one of my favorites. It brings forth strength and inspires self-assurance; by holding this specific pose you become aware of your own deep reservoir of inner power.

Archer Pose, according to the Kundalini Yoga teachings, promotes courage and confidence. This asana brings the gift of fearlessness you get to accept and receive.

To Practice Archer Pose: 

Stand with the feet approximately 2 – 3 feet apart. Turn the right foot so it is pointed away from the side of the body. Place the left foot at a right angle to the right foot; the toes will be pointing away from the front of the body.

A line extending back from the heel of the right foot should intersect with the arch of the left foot.

Bend the right leg forward so that the right knee is over the right toes. Stretch through the left leg, knee straight, heel pressing into the floor.

Reach forward with the right hand and bring the fingers to the palms, as if grasping a bow. As if pulling back on the bowstring, bring the left hand, fingers also curled to the palms, to the left shoulder. Both thumbs are pointed up.

Tuck the tailbone via a light Root Lock. Pull Neck Lock with the chin in, chest out.

Gaze at the tip of the right thumb and breathe deeply from the navel.

Reverse sides and repeat.

love, krishna 💜


The network that brought you The Voice and America’s Got Talent, has teamed up with Executive Producer Jennifer Lopez and Nuyorican Productions. The show features the most talented and innovative dancers of all styles and ages from the entire globe. The best dancers on earth hit the stage to dance it out for ONE MILLION DOLLARS!

NBC’s new hit show World of Dance, include Jennifer Lopez, Derek Hough,

NE-YO and host Jenna Dewan Tatum, judges the performances of dancers of all ages and styles.

love, k 🙂

Meditation for Trust: Meditation for Brosa

Trust is knowing you will be fine no matter what.

Meditation for Trust: Meditation for Brosa

1. Sit in easy pose.

2. Lift the arms up over the head with the right palm over the left for males and the left palm over the right for females. Thumbs are touching. The palms are down and over the crown area with the elbows slightly bent.

3. Whisper Wahe Guru with the eyes slightly open and gazing at the upper lip.

4. Meditate for 3 to 11 minutes.

love, krishna 🙂

Affirmation of the Day

2018 Goals