New Moon in Aquarius – February 2019

The New Moon on February 4th falls in the sign of Aquarius and holds beautiful, abundant, sparkling energy for us all.

It is the perfect time to plant seeds and set intentions, as whatever you put attention and action to will surely blossom into the biggest, brightest flower under this energy.

Happy New Moon

love, k 🙂

Sun Moves into Optimistic Sagittarius

When the Sun enters expansive Sagittarius, it’s time to open our hearts and souls to all the great opportunities the world has to offer! Sagittarius is a Fire sign that loves to travel, have fun, and learn new things. This Sun’s transit through this adventurous sign is a great time to adopt the Archer’s attitude for ourselves, and push beyond our usual boundaries to try something new.

Luck runs high and optimism rules under the Sagittarius Sun. Rather than focusing on what we can’t do, it’s time to realize all the things we can do. As a sign of both faith and expansion, there are truly no limits while the Sun dances its way through Sagittarius

love, k 🙂

Happy Full Moon in Taurus

Happy Full Moon in Taurus! Full Moons always are opposite signs of the zodiac from each other, but also invite us to work to achieve a balance between the opposing energies. The contrast between earthy, practical, peace-loving Taurus and emotional, transformative, Scorpio comes full bloom today.

The Moon in Taurus wants us to find emotional fulfillment through the simple things in life, while the Scorpio Sun draws our attention to complexities and mysteries. The Full Moon illuminates this conflict between form (Taurus) and transformation (Scorpio), and between collecting (Taurus) and sharing (Scorpio). This is a passionate and creative Full Moon, ripe with possibilities and learning experiences.

love, k 🙂

Pregnancy and Yoga

The yogis see pregnancy as the gift of giving life. Yogi Bhajan said that marriage is the highest yoga and children are your karmic teachers. The relationship with your partner is your highest spiritual practice and your baby will become the teacher from whom you will learn the lessons you need to move forward on your spiritual path.

“The purest thing in the world is the heart of the mother… It can move the universe. It can cause an effect beyond limitation.” –Yogi Bhajan

Adi Shakti is the woman’s primal energy force. The deep desire to give birth and love is biological and spiritual. Some women do not desire have children and that is fine too. Everyone should have its own opinions, and preferences. I always believe that if you want to be respected, listened, and understood, you have to respect, listen, and understand first. Understand doesn’t mean agree with others opinions, but to see the point in their ideas and thoughts.

For some woman the whole pregnancy is a reminder of their past unresolved traumas, and there are many women who pass through this.

It is not necessary that you should be married, you should be pregnant, or should be this or that. The most important part of a woman is that she should have enough spirit, enough flow of spirit, enough dialogue we call it, that she can maintain her grace and her respect.

– Yogi Bhajan

If you are planning to have a baby to meditate on it. It is good to visualize yourself with the pregnant belly. This will make you more receptive. You can attract it and manifest it.

Meditation is the direct relationship between you (the finite) and the infinite. There are specific yogic exercises, chants, and meditations to stimulate the navel (abdominal area).

There are some women who struggle with the pain of infertility, or difficulty to become pregnant or maintain pregnancy. This can be very painful and traumatic. Definitely you should be in contact with a doctor to discuss all the different alternatives.

Meditation will always keep you more emotionally stable when facing challenging moments.

According to the philosophy of Yoga, the soul of the child enters the body of the fetus at 120 days. It is highly recommended that the mother practice meditation and take excellent care from the 120 days since conception.

Everything inside and outside of the mother will affect the baby. The state of mind that she is in, her thoughts, the situations, the spoken words, the foods she eats, everything!

Once the baby is born the mom will become the first role model of the child.

“A mother freely teaches values and virtues to every child for their prosperity, peace of mind, and consciousness. Let us honor our mother for our own integrity and happiness. May we learn to serve and protect our Mother Earth with an open heart.”—Yogi Bhajan

Yoga and meditation can help to prevent conditions related to stressful situations. The practice of Yoga decreases the body’s oxygen needs and slows down breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure for those moms suffering from high blood pressure.

The repetition of mantras can get rid of negative mental states and uplift you. The different yogic breathing techniques can help you in labor. They can also balance your hormones in a time when you need it the most.

Always, always, always!! Before you engage in any exercise program, consult your doctor.

If you have always been very athletic, you should plan to lower the intensity and with time as your body grows plan to modify your exercises for the pregnancy ones.

Walking is one of the most recommended exercises for pregnant women. It massages the internal organs. Ideally it is recommended that you walk 2 to 5 miles every day.

You can also add the mantra SA TA NA MA. Chant a word per step. Chanting mantras is like touching divine universal cords. You bring the benefits of that mantra while balancing the glandular system. It also takes care of erase those negative thoughts.

You can also join a pregnancy Yoga class where you know the exercises will be exactly what you need for your pregnancy. There is a saying that says that no one will understand you better during your pregnancy than another pregnant woman. They also hold women workshops, pregnancy teacher trainings, and other wonderful and interesting things.


Water is another element essential for you during this special time. Make sure you drink lots.

Other good exercises during pregnancy are inside the pool or the ocean:

  • Walk backward and forward inside of a pool or the ocean.
  • Slow bicycling is also very helpful. Try this by placing your back against the wall of the pool, place the arms at each side outside of the pool, and relax the head on the side of the pool. Then start bicycling slowly.

These water exercises feel great because they relieve the weight of gravity off the joints.

As the time passes, the baby grows and the body starts changing. Good posture is key to relieving future pains. The perfect posture is to open the legs at hip distance so that the belly is centered and the weight is shared. Lower the tale bone, lengthen the spine, open the chest, and relax the shoulders down.

It is very important to stay relaxed while pregnant.

love, k<3

a guide to your Pregnancy

Highly Intuitive Children

Why would you add tracking a child’s intuition to the list?

The answer is because a child’s intuition, also known as the sixth sense, may be much more important in the life of a child than many people realize. Intuition helps to alert us in danger, provides guidance in decision making, and even helps us in problem-solving by being able to jump quickly to the solution–bypassing rational, linear steps. For these reasons and so many more, it is crucial to help keep intuition alive in children. If a child’s relationship to their intuition is derailed because of judgment from others or fear of looking foolish, it can result in disrupting the clear connection to this inner compass.

All children are intuitive, but some are highly intuitive and experience more intuitive messages, or perceptions, with greater frequency than other children. Highly intuitive children often are unusually aware of the needs and feelings of friends, parents, siblings, and pets. They may frequently translate the unspoken needs of younger siblings and pets with striking accuracy and even pick up on the predominant feeling of a group of people as they enter a room. Others may tune into an unspoken family conflict, or tell someone to “be careful” before stumbling into an unknown situation.

I can tell you that the support an intuitive child receives growing up makes a significant difference in how an adult intuitive integrates this ability successfully into daily life. Intuitive children who are raised with respect for their insights and are taught to manage the stressors that can emerge with this trait grow up to be healthy, balanced intuitive adults.

On the other hand, highly intuitive children who learn to regularly suppress their intuition suffer consequences of reduced self-esteem, self-doubt, decision-making confusion, and difficulties with interpersonal boundaries as adults. The reason for these problems is large because if and when a child stops listening to and trusting her intuition, then she is suppressing the connection to her vitality and inner truth. When a child stops respecting her own inner compass, she is more likely to defer to what other people want of her–even at the expense of her own health, boundaries, and better judgment.

Here are a few suggestions that can help keep intuition strong in children, and solidify this gift for life.

· Maintain a positive attitude when children voice their intuitions. Kids who are very specific with their intuitive insights–such as specific predictions that soon come true–can surprise or frighten parents and trigger strong emotional responses ranging from awe at one end of the spectrum to shock at the other. Intuitive kids are quite perceptive and if they notice that their intuitions are upsetting to parents, or that they receive unusual praise for insights that seem perfectly natural to them, they may either silence their intuitive perceptions or use them to get attention in order to feel special.

· Stay open and responsive to what emerges with the child’s intuition. Overlooking, discounting, or denying a highly intuitive child’s inborn trait can also mean that this child can’t engage in valuable conversations with her parents about her truest experiences, nor can she problem solve with parents about the potentially stressful components of this trait.

· Pay attention to your child’s health. If your highly intuitive child is acting out with angry outbursts, is vulnerable to dramatic mood swings, or is suffering from unexplained aches and pains, he or she may be reacting to the constant inflow of feelings and information from the outside world. These children need to learn how to manage stress, recognize others’ emotions without taking them on, and protect their health. By understanding that your child’s symptoms are real and related to outside stressors, you can help him find healthy ways to express feelings.

· Give your highly intuitive child loving support. Perceptive children call for perceptive parenting, and with attentive parenting, you help a highly intuitive child thrive. Giving an intuitive child your loving support while she grows up will help her trust herself as she launches into adulthood. It will also help to ensure that she’ll have this powerful part of her personality intact as an adult and not have to work hard at excavating her true self at a later date.

Some children can walk into a room and feel “the vibe” instantly in their body. Others may tune into an unspoken family conflict, or tell someone to “be careful” before stumbling into an unknown situation. These may seem to be the normal human qualities of intuition and empathy, but in highly intuitive children (and adults), such traits are supercharged. Growing up in a culture that favors the rational and the five senses can be difficult for gifted children. It is important to embrace and exercise their gift.

It is crucial to help keep intuition alive in children. If a child’s relationship to their intuition is derailed because of judgment from others it can result in disrupting the clear connection to this inner compass.

love, k<3


intuitive (21)

Vibration of Trust

Trust is a complicated emotion. Some people take it for granted, while for others fear may keep them from trusting. Trust begins within you and it travels between your soul and human self. It actually is deeply aligned with the vibration of self love.

As you trust in yourself you have greater confidence and you can relax into the flow of potential.

love, k ❤

FULL MOON in Capricorn – Strawberry Moon 2018 

The Strawberry Moon will spectacularly light up the night and morning skies Tonight and on Thursday, June 28, when it reaches its full moon phase.

So why exactly is the June full moon known as the Strawberry Moon?

The unusual name can be traced back to the Native American Algonquin tribes.

By naming the various phases of the moon, the Algonquin were able to keep track of the seasons.

And the Strawberry Moon signalled the time was right to harvest ripening wild berries.

Strawberry Moon signalled the time was right to harvest ripening wild berries.

This Full Moon is also pivotal because it precedes the Solar Eclipse on July 12, representing a time when a course change can make a significant difference in how our upcoming eclipse season unfolds. It will be up to each of us to observe the events that unfold this week and take personal responsibility for changing that which is within our power to change – even if that change is merely a shift in attitude or perspective.

love, k ♡