Happy Holiday Thoughts

Choose thoughts that make you happy now. Whether these are joyful memories, thoughts of appreciation about the present, or thoughts anticipating wonderful things to come, any thought that makes you happy puts you in touch with the love that is ever-present in the moment.

When traditions and memories inspire a sense of happiness within you now, enjoy them!

If traditions or memories no longer give you joy or don’t resonate with you now, choose to focus on something different, new, or better.

Your holidays are a celebration of light birthed in darkness. By choosing the thoughts that make you happy now, you birth the light into your life… one day, one thought at a time.

Happy Holidays.

K 🙂

Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius

Happy Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius!! This weekend June 3rd 2023.

Full moons take place when the moon is in the opposite zodiac sign from the sun. Which means the full moon is in Sagittarius when it is in Gemini season!

Who else has a moon in Sagittarius? I’m vibing with the Strawberry moon as this moon in Sag girl is always looking for the next adventure!

This Full moon will amplify this Sagittarius energy and encourages a sense of surrender, release and letting go with grace. When we align with the natural rhythms of life, we allow ourselves to feel the eternal oneness, ground ourselves in the present moment and truly enjoy life’s magic!

Full Moon Blessings,

Kelly ✨🍓

Surf city HB

Universal Law

You are making choices in this moment to create your future. All that you have is the power of this moment. Let the past go, and do not fear the future. Know that you are exactly where you need to be for your perfect lessons in life. It is up to you to lift the cover of judgment and allow yourself to grow into who you would most like to be.

Imagine your world surrounded in love. Know that you are a kind, honest and caring person and give yourself the loving kindness and respect you deserve. Your imagination can set a powerful intention for your life when you use it to visualize a new and more harmonious way to be. When you set an intention, all the forces of the universe align themselves to manifest that which you visualize. It is wise to be cautious how you use this powerful tool. You truly do receive whatever you focus on, when your focus and desire are strong enough. It is a Universal Law.

Infinite Blessings,

K 🙂

Come visit our Etsy shop for Astrology and Intuitive Readings at IntuitiveGiftStore

Super Special Solar Eclipse

Eclipses are always a big deal. Last week we had a powerful New Moon with a rare hybrid solar eclipse on 4-20 which has been a profound reset of consciousness, launching everyone into significant new beginnings.

Kicking off a brand-new cycle from the recent New moon Solar Eclipse could bring you in the midst of a transformation that will change the course of your life. Keep reaching for better thoughts and feelings because you can trust yourself in the energy of high vibration.

In a loving vibration, you align with the truth of the Divine within, and this Presence will always guide you in love.

Come visit us at our shop on Etsy for Astrology and Intuitive Readings at Etsy.com/shop/IntuitiveGiftStore

Love and Light,
K 🙂

Intuitive Gift Store


We are having a 50% sale this weekend at our shop on Etsy.


See ya there!!

Love and Light,

K 🙂

Back on Etsy

Hi everyone we have opened another shop on Etsy.


Come by for a visit, we will be having a HUGE sale today, tomorrow and into this weekend! Leave us an amazing review.

Thank you so much, see you there!

Kelly krishna Shoshana

Infinite Being

It is the awareness behind all things. When you become aware that you are aware, that is the silent essence of the Infinite Being within you.

Your normal state of consciousness is in constant motion as you experience life in all its ever-changing forms. However, behind that consciousness-in-motion is the ground state of unmoving, singular awareness.

Infinite Being is that which is beyond all things. It is the state of pure beingness which is beyond all manifestation. It is the silent, unchanging consciousness which is behind all of Creation. It always existed and it always will exist complete within itself. It is infinity in every sense of the word.

love, k<3

Good Vibrations

When you are in a high vibration you can perceive your guidance. When you’re in a lower vibration you’ll match up with people in the world who are in a similar state. When there is a vibrational mismatch, conditions can shift and you’ll be guided elsewhere.

Your vibration alone allows or blocks all you desire. Make a list of desires and make sure you can feel really good about each one. If not, back up a little bit and create them a little bit at a time until your successful mini-manifestations show you that the Universe cares, and the heavens will always work, in every way, to guide you on the path to your dreams.

love, k<3