Happy Harvest Full Moon

As the cool breeze of autumn sets in and the leaves change their color, A special full moon peaks, bright and bold, shining through. Known as the Harvest Moon, it marks the end of summer’s bloom.

The Harvest Moon is a time for bounty and reflection, a time to reap the fruits of our labor, and harvest our dreams, a reminder to us all that the seeds we have sown in the spring have blossomed into something beautiful, something worthy of celebration.

The energy of the Harvest Moon offers a chance for us to propel forward, on all we’ve achieved and the obstacles we’ve checked. And with this newfound clarity, we can set intentions anew, To manifest our deepest desires and see them through. So take some time to bask in the Harvest Moon’s glow, a allow its energy to guide you and help you grow. Trust in the abundance of the season, in the knowledge that everything you need to succeed is already within you. With the light of the Harvest Moon to guide you, anything is possible.

Full Moon Blessings,


Mercury turns Direct

As the world keeps turning, it’s important to pause and celebrate the momentous occasion of Mercury stationing direct. I do like Mercury retrograde for when you would need to “re” evaluate, “re” visit, “re” generate, “re”turn, “re”treat and so on.. it helps us in a mysterious way.

Although, for weeks, we’ve been wading through a sea of introspection as Venus and Mercury did their cosmic backspins. But now, with the planets starting to move forward once again, we can start to regain our footing. Of course, we’re not out of the woods just yet – those outer planets are still retrograde, and there’s plenty of turbulence in the cosmos to go around. But you don’t have to let that hold you back! This is your chance to tap into your inner power, to connect with your truest self and start living the life you’ve always wanted.

All that soul-searching you’ve been doing lately? It’s not for nothing. Those deep introspective dives have helped you clarify your intentions and get a better understanding of your purpose. And now that the energy is starting to pick up, you’ll be able to put all that newfound clarity into action. Sure, there may be some bumpy patches ahead – but you can face them head-on. As long as you stay true to yourself, and stay committed to your goals, you’ll be able to thrive in the months ahead. So raise a glass, take a deep breath, and let’s get ready to take on whatever the universe has in store!

Peace and Love,


Licensed Realtor

I am excited to share a new topic here at Intuitive Magazine, Real Estate! I am thrilled to have joined Coldwell Banker Premier Properties- Palm Coast 🩵 I am now a licensed Realtor.

The excitement of helping people find their dream homes and watching them build a new chapter of their lives fills me with positivity. Real estate is not just about buying or selling homes, it’s about finding a home where memories will be created, where families will grow and where dreams will be fulfilled.

I believe that finding a home is not just about finding a physical structure, it’s about finding a sanctuary that aligns with your soul and your beliefs. It’s about creating a space that speaks to your spirit and allows you to connect with the world around you.

So, while this magazine is about positivity and spirituality, it’s only natural that we add real estate to the mix. After all, finding a home that is perfect for you and your family is a spiritual journey in itself.

Love and Light,

Kelly 🩵

Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius

Happy Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius!! This weekend June 3rd 2023.

Full moons take place when the moon is in the opposite zodiac sign from the sun. Which means the full moon is in Sagittarius when it is in Gemini season!

Who else has a moon in Sagittarius? I’m vibing with the Strawberry moon as this moon in Sag girl is always looking for the next adventure!

This Full moon will amplify this Sagittarius energy and encourages a sense of surrender, release and letting go with grace. When we align with the natural rhythms of life, we allow ourselves to feel the eternal oneness, ground ourselves in the present moment and truly enjoy life’s magic!

Full Moon Blessings,

Kelly ✨🍓

Surf city HB

Jupiter Enters TAURUS

Jupiter activates a brand new 12-year Cycle by moving into Taurus! Jupiter enters Taurus today until 5/25/2024. You can & will improve your Relationships & Finances, while initiating a whole NEW Truth, Story & Belief System rooted in better values, different priorities, new definitions of security and a completely new sense of self-worth & self-value. 12-years could be too much to fathom so I would encourage to think in terms of 3-year increments. The Trinity energy is very powerful and when working with Jupiter, you are being shown to an expanded awareness of a Larger Truth, of which we all are an integral part. It is vital to work with this energy when you are consciously co-creating your personal code and the Truth & Story of your own life.

This energy is going to encourage us to improve our environment, beautify ourselves and create something valuable & long-lasting. It is time to fully embody and truly express your new values by making new choices & different decisions. It is time to assess your relationships & resources and see where you can improve them. There will be a tremendous focus on your own magnetics what you naturally attract and what you naturally fight off with your own energy field, something else we can consciously improve with Jupiter here for a whole year. Determination, patience & consistency is going to be needed to bring your renewed & expanded vision to life. Whatever you’re creating inside or out must be sustainable, practical and, ultimately, valuable.

Taurus is generally related to our basic, fundamental needs which is all very personal & subjective. But these aspects of life are also deeply rooted in our intrinsic self-worth, personal self-love & natural self-value. You must believe that your body is worthy of quality nutrients, your soul is worthy of intimacy and that you are fully capable of manifesting the money to function, prosper and thrive. Take a class if you desire to learn about investing, finance, & generational wealth while considering long-term investments this year. This is a time to deepen your connection to Mother Earth, Nature & being grounded in your true Self. Spending time in Nature helps you to remember your purpose and heal your soul.

This is the time of year to renew your commitment and dedication to living the life you feel most worthy of. Give appreciation for all. It is great to reflect on what deeply supports who you are, here & now.

Gratitude unlocks energy and connects you to new resources. So use this transition into Jupiter Taurus and also the upcoming New Moon in Taurus to plant the seeds of well-being and abundance in your garden this year.

Come visit us at our Etsy shop/IntuitiveGiftStore for Astrology Readings https://www.etsy.com/shop/IntuitiveGiftStore

Infinite Blessings,

Kelly 🩷

Flower Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

The names of the full moons occur with what’s happening seasonally, and May’s full moon is called the Full Flower Moon because of the flowers blossoming and thriving during this time of year.

The Full Flower Moon Lunar Eclipse is in Scorpio. This can be a transformative time. Full moons are considered as periods of release, and lunar eclipses are especially famous for bringing great shift and change.

Trust the alchemy of change around and within you. Welcome stillness and acceptance. Trust who you are, where you are and where you’re going. Trust that the Universe is supporting you every step of the way and that you are fully supported by both the Universe and your own soul.

Happy Full Moon 🌕

Kelly ✨

Universal Law

You are making choices in this moment to create your future. All that you have is the power of this moment. Let the past go, and do not fear the future. Know that you are exactly where you need to be for your perfect lessons in life. It is up to you to lift the cover of judgment and allow yourself to grow into who you would most like to be.

Imagine your world surrounded in love. Know that you are a kind, honest and caring person and give yourself the loving kindness and respect you deserve. Your imagination can set a powerful intention for your life when you use it to visualize a new and more harmonious way to be. When you set an intention, all the forces of the universe align themselves to manifest that which you visualize. It is wise to be cautious how you use this powerful tool. You truly do receive whatever you focus on, when your focus and desire are strong enough. It is a Universal Law.

Infinite Blessings,

K 🙂

Come visit our Etsy shop for Astrology and Intuitive Readings at IntuitiveGiftStore

Super Special Solar Eclipse

Eclipses are always a big deal. Last week we had a powerful New Moon with a rare hybrid solar eclipse on 4-20 which has been a profound reset of consciousness, launching everyone into significant new beginnings.

Kicking off a brand-new cycle from the recent New moon Solar Eclipse could bring you in the midst of a transformation that will change the course of your life. Keep reaching for better thoughts and feelings because you can trust yourself in the energy of high vibration.

In a loving vibration, you align with the truth of the Divine within, and this Presence will always guide you in love.

Come visit us at our shop on Etsy for Astrology and Intuitive Readings at Etsy.com/shop/IntuitiveGiftStore

Love and Light,
K 🙂