Live Intuitively

The word intuition translates as meaning to look inside or to contemplate.

Your intuition is designed to help you to connect with the people and experiences that will make you feel truly happy and fulfilled. Living intuitively can be enjoyable, bringing forth pure joy, love, wonder, beauty and abundance. By living intuitively start by listening to your heart. 

Listening to your heart is one of the best ways to liberate yourself of your conditioned self so you can start accessing more of your natural intuitive abilities.

Your heart is designed to guide you onto the path of living your dreams and knows the right way to live. The challenge is that the mind will often override this incredible source of intuitive wisdom. When you start paying attention to it, you will be richly rewarded with intuitive information, clarity and direction.

To live an intuitive life, you must cultivate the courage to be different so that you can become uniquely you. Face your fears is a very important component of the intuitive path.


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Choose to be around people that support you on your path of being the best that you can be.  If you can’t be around supportive people, start spending more time on your own. Creating more time with yourself will naturally help you to hear and access more of your intuition.

Doing work that you love is an essential part of living a more intuitive life. If you haven’t found work that you love yet, start experimenting with new activities and notice the things that make you happy. Ask your intuition to guide you in doing this.


To live an intuitive life, it is important that you allow yourself to go beyond what is comfortable for you. Start by taking small steps outside your comfort zone so that you can build up to taking bigger risks in your life. This will allow you to always keep learning and growing and develop more confidence in your natural intuitive self.

Trust your intuition and allow it to guide you to live a richer, more heart-centered and intuitive life.

love, #krishna
