Trinity Rice Recipe

I associate autumn with onions more than any other fruit or vegetable. This underground bulb contains potassium, fiber, and folate, as well as the flavonoid quercetin, which helps eliminate free radicals. In short, it contains LIFE, prana, the force that moves our bodies! Onions also symbolize the earth, globe, family, and taste for life.

Yogi Bhajan said that three roots would always maintain you in perfect health and balance when combined any season. These are garlic, onion and ginger. Yogiji said, they “will maintain you through the times and through the age.” These fascinating, mystical and tasty roots are essential to a healthy diet for cleansing, sustaining, and producing energy in the body.

This week I started cooking Trinity Rice for myself and family. It has been a real treat! It is cleansing for the blood and energizing for mind and spirit.

Trinity Rice

2 onions, chopped

2 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced

1 inch (2.5 cm) ginger root, peeled & grated

1 cup basmati rice

1/2-3/4 cup (250 ml) ghee

1 tomato, peeled

4-5 cups (1-1.25 L) assorted chopped vegetables

Rinse rice thoroughly and set aside.  Use a pot with a tight lid and add onion, garlic and ginger.  Stir slowly until onions begin falling apart.  Then add tomato, vegetables, and rice, along with 4 cups of water.  Cover and let simmer on low heat, checking often.  Add water as necessary.  Cook until vegetables are soft and rice is done. Makes 4 servings.

Love, k

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